With over 15 years of developmental editing experience in a variety of settings including
creative writing workshops and university level education, Kate is happy to offer this service
to aspiring writers at a discounted price. Kate will assess manuscripts, offering 5-7 pages of
detailed feedback, along with an annotated manuscript and a follow-up one hour phone call to
discuss concerns and/or answer any questions, within a 4-week period. Particular strengths
are contemporary fiction, historical fiction, and romance.


£55($72)/10,000 words


In addition to having had over 8 million copies of her own books sold, Kate has been an editorial consultant for Cornerstones Literary Consultancy for several years, and she has also taught writing at Cardiff University. She has led various writing workshops through Wye Valley Writers Retreats and has also taught sessions for Jericho Writers. She enjoys having a particular focus on emotional conflict, characterization, and pacing, and loves helping others to write the best story they can.

Contact katharine.swartz@gmail.com for more information.